The Movie takes place in England during 1914-1918, the time of World War 1. The Protagonist is actually the horse name, Joey, along side with a teenager named Albert. Joey was bought from a bidding, by his father, and was suppose to be a horse meant for labor, a plow horse. When the war started Albert's dad sold Joey to the military, as they needed money for their house. Joey is then brought to France, and was then placed into the hands of many armies. He has survived through the German army twice, while everyone else are him were dead, sacrificed in order to save him. He runs away from the German army when he was used a labor horse to drag an artillery up a steep hill. He gets tangle in barb wire when running from the gun shots, but instead runs into the fray. This is where the German army and the Allies had their temporary truce, in order to save Joey. In the end Joey is reunited with Albert, where it's Albert who saves Joey from execution.
The actors were good in the movie, they portray a new sense of style when it comes to acting. Shows how well the horse is trained in order to perform all of his tasks. The music fits well with the story, as it plays well with the type of action that is being performed.
The music also fits into this category, as it sets up a feel of cinematic motion towards the viewer. One example shows how Joey watches Albert, this shows an emotional bond that is placed on to them. Another shows the Duck, where how emotionally attached it is to everyone around him.
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