Sunday, November 23, 2014

Electoral Votes, 1876-1888 and 2008-2012

Election of 1876
Massachusetts votes for Rutherford B. Hayes of the Republicans 13 Electoral votes. In the New England area Rhode Island was the only state that sided with the other candidate.

Election of 1880
Massachusetts votes for James A. Garfield of the Republicans for 13 Electoral votes.
All States in the New England area voted for the Republicans.

Election of 1884
Massachusetts votes for James G. Blaine of the Republicans for 14 Electoral votes. Rhode Island votes for the Democratic party, while the other New England states votes for the Republican candidate.

Election of 1888
Massachusetts votes for Benjamin Harrison  of the Republicans for 14 Electoral votes. Rhode Island stander by the Democrats side, the only state in New England to do that during this election.

Overall the States did vote together, but on some occasions Rhode Island sided for the other party.

Election of 2008
Massachusetts votes for Barack Obama, with 12 Electoral votes, of the Democrats.

Election of 2010
Massachusetts votes for Barack Obama again with 10 Electoral votes.

There are a lot more voters for each candidate in the 21st century than the 19th century. With at least a 900,000 more people voting for someone. In the election of 1876 there were at least 360 electoral votes, now there is at least 530 electoral votes. In the Election of 2008 there was a split in electoral votes in Nebraska, where in the 19th century this never happened.

Rutherford B. Hayes, Republican candidate of 1876 Presidency. 

Electoral College Results of 1876. 

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