Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oil Boom

Discovery Oil Boom

Mining oil process in present day. This is where oil can be extracted from the sand, without burrowing deep into the earth. Oil is found mixed in the sand, where in large amounts will equal a little less than an oil reservoir. 
Prudhoe Bay Alaska, America's largest oil reserve. 

Mining Process in the 1900's. A simple drill down to the earth, until oil is struck, and the build up of pressure will release the oil. Many injuries occur from the high pressure oil that is released. 

The oil industry boomed with the founding of surplus oil. Oil prices dropped, inventions now contribute from oil, and technology increased. Henry Ford created the first assembly made automobile, which helped create a vast empire of cars for everyone to buy. The prices of cars dropped to about 3 month pay of work, in order to buy one. Everyone was able to own cars due to the mass production of automobiles from Henry Ford. 

Henry Ford's assembly line, mass producing rims and brakes for the Model T.

Henry Ford's First Model Car, the Model T.

Oil in present day helped create many new inventions that support modern day life. The long term effects of oil helped brought up new ideas on the production of oil. 

The United States is decreasing their oil consumption.

United States imports the most oil in the world, with 6.6 million barrels a day, while China imports 6.2 million a day.
Did you know Oil is used to make these Products too?

  1. Soap
  2. Perfumes
  3. Lipstick
  4. Toothpaste
  5. Tents

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